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Rest in Peace, Innovation

In his famous TEDx talk, Simon Sinek suggested that we Start With Why. At the base of his approach lies the idea that uncovering the fundamental motivation that drives our path can be very powerful, for organizations as well as for individuals.

Start with What (not the Why)

In his famous TEDx talk, Simon Sinek suggested that we Start With Why. At the base of his approach lies the idea that uncovering the fundamental motivation that drives our path can be very powerful, for organizations as well as for individuals.

How to speak “Management”

For most people, picking up a new language is a challenging task, no matter how smart they are. Gaining proper eloquence… getting the nuances… it can take years of practice.

3 Rules for successful Sales Enablement in a Changing World

Sales Enablement

Sales solutions need to evolve to meet the demands of a new world of value realization, where customer retention plays an increasing major role in determining of your company’s long-term bottom line and viability requires you to re-evaluate your sales strategies. Today’s blog post presents key guidelines that apply to sales enablement and decision-making, which will help you reorient your mindset from old to new.