Rest in Peace, Innovation

In his famous TEDx talk, Simon Sinek suggested that we Start With Why. At the base of his approach lies the idea that uncovering the fundamental motivation that drives our path can be very powerful, for organizations as well as for individuals.

Employee Satisfaction is Down & You’re Hemorrhaging Employees, But Do You Know Why?

Today, we’re going to cover how to implement this knowledge and create truly impactful simulations. The biggest challenge rests in fitting the necessary training to the actual challenges we face when pitching sales, I.e. rolling out the training material while it’s still relevant, coordinating between, Sales, Marketing and Management to insert the company strategy in the training, an incorporating feedback from below.

The Secret to the Perfect Sales Simulation Program


Today, we’re going to cover how to implement this knowledge and create truly impactful simulations. The biggest challenge rests in fitting the necessary training to the actual challenges we face when pitching sales, I.e. rolling out the training material while it’s still relevant, coordinating between, Sales, Marketing and Management to insert the company strategy in the training, an incorporating feedback from below.

The greater context podcast hosted by Arierl Halevi​ – Season 2


the greater context SEason TWO SEASON two OF ‘The greater context’ podcast hosted by Ariel Halevi Apple Spotify Read More Guest Posting by Gilad Gruber | 6 Tips for Senior Management Success The Greater Context Ariel Halevi Hosting Gilad Gruber He’s a master manager who draws inspiration from the likes of US Presidents past… Introducing […]

The greater context podcast hosted by Arierl Halevi​ – Season 1


the greater context SEason one SEASON one OF ‘The greater context’ podcast hosted by Arierl Halevi Philosophy Apple Spotify The Greater Context with Ariel Halevi This is Ariel Halevi, welcome to “The Greater Context.” This is a common thread that goes through every concept, tool or methodology I’ll be discussing in the past, present and future […]

Start with What (not the Why)

In his famous TEDx talk, Simon Sinek suggested that we Start With Why. At the base of his approach lies the idea that uncovering the fundamental motivation that drives our path can be very powerful, for organizations as well as for individuals.

How to speak “Management”

For most people, picking up a new language is a challenging task, no matter how smart they are. Gaining proper eloquence… getting the nuances… it can take years of practice.