The Code Of Trust – An American Counterintelligence Expert’s Five Rules To Lead And Succeed

Inspiring trust is at the base of all human interactions Get it from
Facts Don’t Change People’s Minds. Here’s What Does

In a way, many of us know this deep in our gut – but reading this article really brings the idea home. Truth is important. Fact and evidence driven decision making is something worth aspiring to. But understanding human nature and how our brain works is just as important. Especially if you’re interested in enhancing […]
The Debunking Handbook

This great handbook explores the surprising fact that debunking myths can sometimes reinforce the myth in peoples’ minds. Communicators need to be aware of the various backfire effects and how to avoid them. Buy it on
What To Do When Machines Do Everything: How To Get Ahead In A World Of Ai, Algorithms, Bots, And Big Data

The Digital Revolution (also named “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”) is upon us, and one of its attributes is an ever-faster rate of change. New paradigms are forming around us at an unprecedented rate and the human mind, as well as society at large, is finding it harder and harder to keep up with, and properly […]
Creativity, Inc.

You don’t have to be an animation lover to enjoy this book. What I loved about it were the powerful insights about effective management – especially one that addresses cultivating a powerfully productive culture of creativity and innovation. Another wonderful aspect of this book is the exposure to the incredible emotional rollercoaster the founders went […]
The Innovator’s Dilemma

A must read for any “corporate citizen.” Large enterprises used to have the benefit of size. Now, in this rapidly changing world with disruptive innovation coming from every direction and originating from ultra small players who are nimble and fast, size has become a liability. If you wish to help your company find a way […]
Getting To Yes

This ground-breaking, short and easy to digest book introduces an interpersonal approach to negotiations in their broadest form. It is an important foundation at the base of a powerful and productive philosophy of Win-Win. We see the insights in this book as relevant not only to formal, economically driven negotiations, but also to daily interactions […]

Aside from being a remarkable macro historical book, what I find so interesting is what it can teach us about many of the interpersonal communication challenges we face today, in the 21st century. I was particulary interested in communication and interface management within and between large enterprises that: a) rely heavily on virtual teams and […]
Thinking, Fast And Slow

The theories of this remarkable psychologist (along with his lifelong research partner Amos Tversky) are the closest thing I have found to real-life “Jedi Mind Tricks” with regards to the fields of interpersonal communication, persuasion and influence without authority. Read this book to discover some of the automatic rules that guide our intuitive decision-making. I […]
The Lean Startup

I have been an entrepreneur since the age of 11. I started dedicating my life to entrepreneurship at the age of 22. If only I had had the methodological insights of this book at the start of my path as an entrepreneur! A MUST read if you see entrepreneurship as part of your future, but […]